
Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the 11-22-11?

DEAR ONE THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY! The Ascension Portal is OPEN all through November. Many beings are going HOME. Mother Gaia is ascending. We will be aiding this process. We are wearing white on the call to remind ourselves.  Archangels Gabriel and Hope aid in this passing from one dimension to  the next. Remember personal and planetary Ascension comes under Ascension Master Serapis Bey. He will be present and will channel his message as well as Beloved Jesus the Christ.This is part of anchoring the NEW DAY.

Ascension prayers will be given and a lovely ritual called  of "Washing the Mother". If you wish to join in this process have your Mary statue, milk and a bowl to catch the milk ready. A special prayer will soon be posted for this.We will do this together on the call. You can use another Divine Mother statue such as Kuan Yin. or Goddess Isis if you do not have a Mary.

The Mother is often overlooked, denied or worse, She is targeted in swearing. These negative energies hits the Essence of the Mother, the Mother Matrix (the Collective Divine Mothers) and affects women who hold the Divine Mothers in form. "The Milk Ritual" purifies and holds high the precious missions of the Divine Mother. Join us 11-22-11 from 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.P.S.T. Go to  Click on 11-22-11 for Pay Pal. Please call for the phone number and code since the time is short.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Attend the 11:11:11 and the 11:22:11

Attend the 11:11:11 and the 11:22:11
11:11:11 really begins on 11:10:11 CA time because it begins in New Zealand. This will be the dawning – sunrise - the place 11:11:11 begins. It will then travel with sunrise after sunrise across our planet. This is a once in a life time opportunity. Watch the sunrise 11:11:11 where ever you live. Drink in our wonderful rays of Helios and Vesta (Father/Mother of our Sun). Our sun is a gateway to the Great Central Sun. Our alignment with the Sun/Son is symbolic of our alignment with Source. Attend an event or two - especially ours.

What is the 11:11:11?
The internet is buzzing with different ideas. They each may have part of the puzzle. Here are comment by the Ascended Masters:
Lord Jesus says, “The 11:11:11 is the most significant event since the Harmonic Convergence in 1997.”
Lord El Morya says, “This is a global opportunity to come together under the Mantle of the Mother, the Father and the Sun/Son. The people of the world will be awakened more than ever before.
“Our sun touches the planet with Her Rays which will open the pituitary and the pineal glands of all peoples because the sun will be encoded with SPECIAL Qualities which will shift all of humanity.”
Master Kuthumi says, “The amount of people hearing about the 11:11:11 is facilitating the “100th monkey affect”.   (Be part of this activity - Send out this email).
Mother Mary-Ma says, ”The is a pivotal moment in the Her-story of Gaia. Mother gathers you together as One People. She moves you collectively through the “Eye of the Needle”. This is a Passage and an initiation which is key to entering the New Day which will occur on 11:22:11.”
As one of the Divine Mothers on Gaia she will be opening the Ascension Gate in the Mount Shasta Vortex from Temple of the Mother in Weed/Lake Shastina.
Go to to join a profound Teleconference on 11:11:11 or come to the physical event (9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. in Weed, CA -  in the Mount Shasta Vortex. Return to join the Teleconference on the New Day 11:22:11 from 11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Click to register or call Mary-Ma 530-938-1524.
Mary-Ma McChrist who is one of the Divine Mothers on Gaia, is opening the Ascension Gates on 11:22:11. Some will leave; the New Day will enter.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our Unity Prayer - Blog #4

Our Unity Prayer - Blog #4

We come together as One Earth, One people, as One world Family, as One great flow of Faith, Hope and Charity: As One synthesis of ideologies, as One clear pool of Consciousness, enlightening all humanity. As we do this, the Light flashes round the globe and there is an Eternal Moment of Peace. *Let all war cease to exist now! (3x) Let this be a World Intention. The intention of each religion and tradition and of each person of country.

May we melt opposition creating bridges of trust together. May we span these bridges with Love. May we come together in peace for the sake of all humanity. For the sake of the Divine Family – the mothers, the children, the fathers of Peace.

Let the Divine Mothers hold the planet in their hearts of hearts. All children belong to the Great Mother. She is our inspiration and comfort.  The Mother and the Holy Spirit are connected complementary.

Holy Spirit (+), Holy Soul (-) your breath breathes, all living souls. Breathe through us your Essence of Holy Peace. May the Dove of Peace descend. May she hover above our planet and our people. May we honor her now, and know she is the Essence of our unity and synthesis.

So be it. So mote it be
Shanta, Shanta, Shanta

Lord El Morya Khan
Mother Mary-Ma McChrist
Last Day of the Mayan Calendar

* Repeat this line.

© 2011 by Mary McChrist. All rights reserved. This may be shared for personal noncommercial use only, giving complete credit as shown. Web site:  & www.mother– &    Phone: 530-938-1524. Blogs: http:://;; Email:

Comments on Archangelic Rainbow Book - #3

Archangelic Rainbow Healing Blog #3

Comments on the Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training
 Manual completed 10-10-2011.

“This is the most exquisite book. You couldn’t put a price on it. You put so much into this book…I’m so excited about the book. This is the best. The pictures are unreal. I’m so lucky to have The Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training Manual."

Toby Barauch
New Jersey

"It is the most beautiful book ever. I just love it. I just love it. I just love it. It is great. Thank you so much  I appreciate it."

Rocio Dannielson
Dallas, Texas

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who are the Archangels? - Blog #1

The Archangels are Divine Emissaries, Messengers of God/Spirit known in many religions and traditions. They are expressed on the various rainbow rays. Most people think there are only masculine Archangels, but this is not true. The first ray given is the traditional color, the second color is the new ray colors. These are brand new and were first introduced in Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training Manuel Part 1 e-Book* which sells for $50.00. The archangel twin pairs are as follows: 1. Michael & Faith, Blue/Red - Power, 2.Chamuel & Charity, Pink/Blue - Love/Wisdom, 3. Jophiel and Christine, Yellow - Active Intelligence, 4. Gabriel & Hope, White/Ivory - Purity & Discipline, 5. Raphael & Lady Mary Regina, Green - Science, Music Art and Healing. 6. Uriel & Donna Grace, Ruby/Gold/Purple/Gold - Devotion 7. Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst, Violet/Violet and Indigo - Transmutation, Alchemy, Ceremonial Magic/Manifestation.

*Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training Manuel Part 1 e-Book is an amazing synthesis of new teachings, high frequency Rays - new Cosmic Rays for example: Silver/Green to heal and clear patriarchal energy and the Curse of Eve; Cobalt Silver, Violet Silver, Raspberry Sherbet of the Mother etc.; Healing modalities: White Light Clearing, Rainbow Healing technique, ancestral and family healing plus, clearing curses
many more. Know and receive gifts from the Archangel twins. Archaangel Michael gives us his sword initiation and teaches us his techniques: angel songs; Mother Mary teachings and songs to Her; Christ opens our hands for healing and shares His Resurrection and Ascension. Go to the book at under New Archangelic Teachings  Rainbow Healing Book.

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