
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who are the Archangels? - Blog #1

The Archangels are Divine Emissaries, Messengers of God/Spirit known in many religions and traditions. They are expressed on the various rainbow rays. Most people think there are only masculine Archangels, but this is not true. The first ray given is the traditional color, the second color is the new ray colors. These are brand new and were first introduced in Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training Manuel Part 1 e-Book* which sells for $50.00. The archangel twin pairs are as follows: 1. Michael & Faith, Blue/Red - Power, 2.Chamuel & Charity, Pink/Blue - Love/Wisdom, 3. Jophiel and Christine, Yellow - Active Intelligence, 4. Gabriel & Hope, White/Ivory - Purity & Discipline, 5. Raphael & Lady Mary Regina, Green - Science, Music Art and Healing. 6. Uriel & Donna Grace, Ruby/Gold/Purple/Gold - Devotion 7. Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst, Violet/Violet and Indigo - Transmutation, Alchemy, Ceremonial Magic/Manifestation.

*Archangelic Rainbow Healing Teacher Training Manuel Part 1 e-Book is an amazing synthesis of new teachings, high frequency Rays - new Cosmic Rays for example: Silver/Green to heal and clear patriarchal energy and the Curse of Eve; Cobalt Silver, Violet Silver, Raspberry Sherbet of the Mother etc.; Healing modalities: White Light Clearing, Rainbow Healing technique, ancestral and family healing plus, clearing curses
many more. Know and receive gifts from the Archangel twins. Archaangel Michael gives us his sword initiation and teaches us his techniques: angel songs; Mother Mary teachings and songs to Her; Christ opens our hands for healing and shares His Resurrection and Ascension. Go to the book at under New Archangelic Teachings  Rainbow Healing Book.

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1 comment:

  1. I believe your post is really awesum and helpful
    i enjoyed Angelguard that who are the archangels
    Thanks for the tips. who are the archangels
